I am now 61 and it is likely that I will not be re-hired by my school that I have been working for, for a long time. So unemployed from next year.
I have not paid into the Japanese pension scheme. When I came
here there was no real consideration given to foreigners married to Japanese.
There was no guidance to tell me what to do so I just did nothing.
My fault I guess. Ignorance is no defense.
I continued to pay into the UK pension scheme however, so I have
the right to claim a full state pension.
So I am now considering whether I should move back to England, if, or when my wife's parents pass away, which might not be so far in the future. Living in Japan on my UK pension will be practically impossible.
I took a quick look at how to return to England and was shocked to find that the immigration laws have been changed.
Some articles that relate:
Now it seems that I can return to England with my wife, only if I meet certain financial stipulations, which I don't.
I have been married for 36 years and now if I want to return to England I have to go without my wife.
That is ridiculous.
She speaks great English, actually lived in England for 12 years, contributing to the national health, paying taxes, but now will not be allowed back in.
So, what to do?
I guess I have no choice. Seems like a British citizen like me who chooses to marry a non British national signs away any right to return to their home country unless you are rich.
Don't need
you, thanks.
I guess I am stuck here unless the rules change again or I win the lottery.
How I will survive is something on my mind so I guess I have a lot of thinking to do.
I sure need that cuppa now.