Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Wow! is it that long since I posted on here.
Time sure goes by quickly
As Groucho Marx said:
Time flies like an arrrow
Fruit flies like a banana

Probably dosen't matter. Nobody reads this blog except me anyway

Well, a litte update on the immigration fiasco.
There was a hearing in the supreme court in London in February 2016
3 days worth of legalese and other stuff
You can watch it all here, if you like.


Be prepared to know that it is just slightly more interesting than watching paint dry. However, hopefully the judges can see that there is no logic in the decision to establish 18600 pounds as a reasonable amount that someone could be expected to earn. We shall see. Keep a look out for the judgement around September of this year.

Someone said the law is an ass.
Don't remember who, but I think not just the law.
How about the people (person) who makes a law that
splits up families for no other than a ridiculous financial requirement.

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