Monday, September 22, 2014


Mike, our cat, died today, and I think a part of me died too.
How can a simple animal have such a profound impact on a family.
Her presence was felt in all aspects of our life.
So many things are connected with her, a web so complicated that it would be
impossible to list them all. Like synapses in the brain.
But I am happy that we were able to take care of her. 
Perhaps without us doing so her life as a stray would have been very different and probably a lot shorter.

I just hope her last days were comfortable, as much as they could be with kidney's failing.

Miss you a lot.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Stuck in Japan ( part 2)

Further to my previous post, there is a useful site here that relates to the ridiculous immigration law in force since 2012

There was a court hearing recently to bring the problems that this law is bringing on innocent people all over the world.

Hopefully it will lead to changes